Sng Poker

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  1. Sng Poker Meaning
  2. Sit N Go Poker Strategy
  3. Sng Poker Tracker
  4. Sng Poker Training
  5. Sng Poker

No limit hold’em tournaments can be divided into two distinct phases:

  • The early phase where blinds are small relative to the stack sizes.
  • The late phase where blinds are large relative to the stack sizes.

Sit & Go (SNG) Strategy Sit & Go tournaments, or ‘SNGs’, are a great way to learn to play poker because they cover all the fundamentals of tournament play, but don’t take anywhere near as long. Sit and gos are excellent for learning the basic poker strategies used in almost every other online poker game, and also help your end game in multi table tournaments. Single Table SNG Strategy This is the basic sit and go strategy - the tactics used to beat standard single table (9-10 handed) sit and gos. The most popular format is a nine or ten player ‘single-table’ poker game, which normally pays the top three finishers. The speed by which the blinds increase can also vary; 15 minutes in a regular SNG, every 5-7 minutes in a ‘turbo’ SNG, and levels as short as two minutes in a ‘super turbo’ SNG. Depending on the SNG (turbo, speed, regular), a single table tournament can between 20 and 90 minutes. Rebuying and busting: in Cash Games, you can rebuy after each hand if you’ve lost your stack or if you are below the maximum buy-in (usually 100 big blinds).

Sng Poker

SNG Coach is a part of ICMIZER Suite poker software The Suite also includes: ICMIZER and Replayer. SNG Coach is your personal Push/Fold coach that's always ready to pump up your Push/Fold.

Winning tournament players know the best strategy for beating tournaments is to play solid poker during the early phase, then play aggressively in the late phase. That’s because in the late phase the blinds become significant and you must aggressively steal blinds to survive.

The late phase is where the majority of the chips are won. It is dominated by all-in raises designed to steal the blinds. Learning how to play well in the late phase is the single most important skill you must have to win poker tournaments.

This is where the SitNGo Wizard can help.

The SitNGo Wizard will teach you how to play a near perfect late game strategy. You will learn when to push and when to fold. You will learn the importance of various factors such as number of opponents, stack sizes, and opponent calling ranges.

If you are a beginning player or just new to SitNGo tournaments, the SitNGo Wizard will quickly turn you in a winning player at the low limit SitNGo’s. If you are already an experienced SitNGo player, the SitNGo Wizard will help you find and eliminate costly mistakes that you don’t even realize you are making.


How Does It Work?

The SitNGo Wizard reads your tournament hand history and runs an analysis of each hand. The analysis compares the equity you would have if you fold pre-flop to the equity you would have if you push all-in pre-flop. Equity is your share of the prize pool at any point in the tournament. It is based on number of opponents, the size of each player’s stack, and the tournament prize structure.

The software computes the equity of every possible outcome of the hand. It combines the equity of each outcome with the probability of each outcome to come up with the total equity. It would take you days to do these calculations by hand, but the SitNGo Wizard computes them in a fraction of a second.

The SitNGo Wizard automatically loads entire hand histories from Party Poker, PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, Ultimate Bet, Absolute Poker, Titan Poker, PKR, World Poker Exchange, and the OnGame Network. Support for additional poker sites will be added based on customer requests. The tournament view (click to view full size image) displays a summary of each game in the tournament. It highlights games where your decision was close or even incorrect, so you won’t waste time on trivial hands.

Double-clicking on a hand in the tournament view activates the current hand view. The analysis compares your equity when you push to your equity when you fold and tells you which play is more profitable.

The current hand view (click to enlarge).

You can adjust any game parameter and instantly see how it affects the analysis. This type of “what if” analysis will quickly teach you the importance of:

  • Position
  • Stack sizes
  • Blind sizes
  • Number of players remaining
  • Opponent opening and calling ranges
  • Prize structure

The SitNGo Wizard doesn’t just analyze your hole cards. It analyzes all possible hands so you can see exactly what range of hands you can play in any situation. There are many occasions when it is correct to push with any two cards. Learning to recognize these situations is crucial to SitNGo success.

Taking the analysis a step further, you can generate charts (click here to view full size image) that compare different game parameters to your playable hand range. The charts alone can save you hours investigating “what if” scenarios.

Sng poker

The SitNGo Wizard can analyze almost any pre-flop situation. Suppose two opponents just call the big blind in front of you. The SitNGo Wizard estimates the range of hands with which each opponent limped and the range of hands with which each opponent will call your all-in push. You can easily change any opponent’s hand range estimate. Based on the estimates, it instantly calculates the range of hands with which you can push.

The SitNGo Wizard can analyze any number of pre-flop limpers, raisers, or callers. It can analyze hand with up to two all-in opponents. In fact, about the only scenario the SitNGo Wizard can’t handle is when three or more players push all-in in front of you. How often does that happen?

Sng Poker Meaning

The SitNGo Wizard’s quiz mode may be its single most valuable feature. The quiz mode generates random games and asks you to pick the correct play for each game. It is like having flash cards for sitngo’s.

A quiz hand (click to enlarge).

Each quiz game provides you with a complete pre-flop situation including stack sizes, blinds, any previous action, opponent opening ranges, and opponent calling ranges. You are asked to select a hand range with which you would push or call a push.

A few minutes a day is all it takes to start seeing stunning results. After each session, start up the SitNGo Wizard and review questionable hands. At first, you will probably have many questionable hands to review each session. As your short stack play improves you will start seeing fewer questionable hands each session.

Sng Poker

Eventually, you may see so few mistakes that you will be tempted to stop reviewing hands altogether. Don’t fall for this trap! No matter how good your short stack play becomes, you will always be able to find a few hands that you are not sure about. Additionally, you may begin to pick up bad habits without realizing it. Constant review is the only way to insure you are always playing your best game.

If you are a winning tournament player, the more tournaments you play the more money you make. As you use the SitNGo Wizard to improve your play, you will find that the vast majority of decisions you make become very easy. Rarely will you need to think more that a second or two about a play.

The ability to make correct decisions quickly allows you to play multiple tournaments at the same time. Your profit per tournament will drop slightly because your reads on your opponents will suffer, but your overall profit will soar because you will be able to play many more tournaments in the same amount of time.

An additional benefit of playing multiple tournaments is that it is more fun. You nearly always have a decision to make somewhere. You don’t get bored waiting for your opponents to act.
Play Bigger Tournaments

As your play improves and your bankroll grows, you will be able to move up to higher buy in tournaments. Just learning to play the basic SitNGo strategy will make you a winning player at the lower level tournaments. As you move up your opponents get better. Mistakes that you can overcome at the lower levels become more costly. The SitNGo Wizard teaches you how to adjust your play as you move up.

At the surprisingly low cost of only $99, we’re sure you will agree that the SitNGo Wizard is an incredible value. It will probably pay for itself within the first week of use.

You will have complete access to our free on-line support forums and free software updates. We encourage your suggestions and new feature requests. All suggestions will be carefully considered as we add new features and make improvements.

In fact, we are so convinced you will find the SitNGo Wizard is everything we say it is; we make you this cast-iron promise:

“If within 60 days of purchase, and for any reason whatsoever, you feel that the SitNGo Wizard is not for you, we will send you a full and courteous refund. No questions asked!”

Sit N Go Poker Strategy

And here’s some even better news…

Even though we offer a full money back guarantee, we fully appreciate that even $99 is not a trivial amount.

Sng Poker Tracker

So we’ve made it even easier for you to get started.

Try out the SitNGo Wizard FREE for a full 30 days with our compliments.

Yes, for a Full 30 Days you will receive…

Sng Poker Training

  • Full unlimited use of the SitNGo Wizard
  • Complete access to our online support forums
  • Free updates

Every feature is available to you in the 30 day trial. There are no restrictions or limitations. Use it for a full 30 days, absolutely free. And if after that time you’re not totally convinced it’s for you…

Don’t buy it!

So it costs you nothing.

No up-front payment.

Sng Poker

No worries about making the wrong decision.

Click here to download the free SitNGo Wizard 30 day trial.