Aa Coins
While the journey to recovery can begin in an instance, we know that it lasts for a lifetime. When taking such a journey through the 12 step recovery program and then moving forward with life, carrying a momento of the process and a dedication to continued success can often give one great strength. That is what AA 12 Step recovery medallions were originally given for.

In addition to the now common Bronze AA Medallion; plastic chips, wooden AA tokens, glass pocket gems, leather medallions, keychains, coffee mugs, and wristbands are becoming more and more popular, too! There is even a tale of a group that offers a bullet for the recovering alcoholic to carry around so that if the thought of drinking comes up. The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by addiction to alcohol and other drugs. As the nation's leading nonprofit. AA Coin Buyers Guide - Meetings & Individuals: View AA coin categories of several styles and finishes: Aluminum tokens, Bronze AA Meeting Chips and beautiful fancy plated and painted Medallions and solid Sterling Silver that make meaningful Recovery gifts for Alcoholics Anonymous Members.
Sister Ignatia - The First Alcoholics Anonymous AA Coin
5 Year Aa Coin

Buy Aa Coins
Sister Ignatia gave out the first 'Alcoholics Anonymous medallions' when men were leaving their five day dry out and instructed them that the acceptance of such a medallion signified commitment to God, AA, and to recovery. Since then the traditions of AA chips, AA sobriety coins, and AA recovery medallions has varied from that of the onset of the journey, to celebrating ones recovery birthday, as well as remembering that you have Angels helping and watching you.

Aa Coins
Today, the significance of sobriety chips and coins still stands strong and we encourage you to use that significance to strengthen your commitment and connection to the 12 step recover process.